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Meeting the needs of a consumer at the crossroads

Retailers are operating in a landscape of continuous change. To serve modern consumers at a time of unprecedented disruption, organizations need to take a transformative approach, identifying new ways to radically reduce costs, enable all-channel growth, and connect with purpose.

In an era characterized by multi-faceted disruption, retailers must contend with a multitude of issues that are accelerating and amplifying existing trendlines regarding consumer behavior and preferences. Channel convergence, market evolution, and supply chain complexity require retailers to embrace a bold unified commerce strategy that is underpinned by data, analytics and AI, and enabled by flexible and adaptive business processes to meet the needs and preferences of today’s customer. In this environment, winners won’t view disruption as a force to overcome, but as a reason to innovate.  

“Disruption and opportunity are two sides of the same coin. For retailers, harnessing the power of data, analytics, and AI to enable an insights-driven commerce strategy is the key to surviving and thriving in our new reality.”

Lindsey Mazza, Global Retail Lead

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      Meet our experts

      Paula Aro

      Sales Director, CPRD Industry Lead (Finland)

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