
Each mobile generation delivers more—data, devices, efficiency, opportunity. But tapping into the full potential of Telco networks requires a shift in thinking, focusing not simply on what networks can do today, but what we can build with them tomorrow.

At Capgemini, we see networks as both the backbone of operations and the digital foundation from which innovation flourishes. It is at this intersection where we meet clients, helping them conquer complexity and inefficiency to unlock the next generation of digital solutions that can accelerate transformation. 

We welcome you to the Innovation Generation (iG), where smarter networks spark brighter innovation.

The path to net zero for telcos

The telecoms industry has a significant environmental impact today – and it’s predicted to rise in the years to come. We can help.

On Pulse – kestävän kasvun jäljillä

Kestävä liiketoiminta on meidän kaikkien etu ja samalla ainoa vaihtoehto. Vastuullisuudesta ja ympäristövaikutusten minimoinnista on puhuttu jo paljon, eivätkä pelkät sanat enää riitä. Tarvitaan tekoja, jotka aiheuttavat muutosta omassa organisaatiossa ja sen ulkopuolella.

Meet our experts

Linda headshot

Linda Asplund

Head of Enterprise Transformation, Capgemini Invent, Sweden-Finland
Linda is an experienced advisor with a strong focus on driving strategic transformation and digitalization through innovation, technology, and data.  She has always been passionate about the enabling benefits of new technologies including 5G, IoT and AI, to create a better tomorrow and more sustainable businesses.

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